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Souvenir Chest

Carry your memories

We have some unique gifts and souvenirs available which would be ideal for all, plus some special ones that would be perfect for a Tea enthusiast.

Pick a pack that reminds you of your beautiful days with us. Ruminating your stress- free time in Cochin, we have a chest of select souvenirs that range from Organic tea to Local rikshaws. Whatever be the one that struck your mind the most, we hope we have in store for you. Well, if we don’t have no worries. We will organize and deliver.

govindamangalam room

We also stock unique and local art pieces that are perfect for reminding you of your Cochin experience. If you’re looking for some creative ways to show off your travels that are a little more obvious and maybe even useful, check out our shelf for some local jewellery or jewel boxes. They’re quick and easy and give you the perfect opportunity to constantly bring up your trips in conversation.

govindamangalam room

Ready to host you with a
History of One Hundred Years.